professional + expedient + accurate

Court Info

Common Courthouse Fees

Select Court

Civil + Court of Appeals

1. On the issue of the following:

i. A statement of claim, notice of action or notice of application, $229.

ii. A third or subsequent party claim, $229.

iii. A statement of defence and counterclaim adding a party, $229.

iv. A summons to a witness, $31.

v. A certificate, other than a certificate of a search by the registrar required on an application for a certificate of appointment of estate trustee, $31.

vi. A commission, $57.

vii. A writ of execution, $73.

viii. A notice of garnishment or notice of renewal of garnishment (including the filing of the notice with the sheriff), $146.

2. On the signing of the following:

i. An order directing a reference, subject to subparagraph ii, $297.

ii. An order on requisition directing the assessment of a bill under the Solicitors Act,

A. if obtained by a client, $99,

B. if obtained by a solicitor, $183.

iii. A notice of appointment for the assessment of costs under the Rules of Civil Procedure, $130.

3. On the filing of the following:

i. A notice of intent to defend, $183.

ii. If no notice of intent to defend has been filed by the same party, a statement of defence, a defence to counterclaim, a defence to crossclaim or a third party defence, $183.

iii. A notice of appearance, $162.

iv. A notice of motion served on another party, a notice of motion without notice, a notice of motion for a consent order or a notice of motion for leave to appeal, other than a notice of motion in a family law appeal, $320.

v. A notice of return of motion, other than a notice of return of motion in a family law appeal, $320.

vi. In a family law appeal, a notice of motion served on another party, a notice of motion without notice, a notice of motion for a consent order or a notice of return of motion, $126.

vii. A notice of motion for leave to appeal in a family law case, $126.

viii. A requisition for signing of default judgment by registrar, $167.

ix. A trial record, $810, for the first time only.

x. A notice of appeal or cross-appeal from an interlocutory order, $229.

xi. A notice of appeal or cross-appeal to an appellate court of a final order of the Small Claims Court, $130.

xii. A notice of appeal or cross-appeal to an appellate court of a final order of any court or tribunal, other than the Small Claims Court or the Consent and Capacity Board, $229.

xiii. A request to redeem or request for sale, $130.

xiv. A jury notice in a civil proceeding, $130.

4. For obtaining an appointment with a registrar for settlement of an order, $130.

5. For perfecting an appeal or judicial review application, $608.

6. For making up and forwarding of papers, documents and exhibits, $99, plus any applicable transportation costs.

7. For making copies of documents,

i. not requiring certification, $1 per page,

ii. requiring certification, $3.50 per page.

8. For the inspection of a court file by,

i. a person who has entered into an agreement with the Ministry of the Attorney General for the bulk inspection of court files, $4 per file,

ii. any other person, other than a solicitor or party in the proceeding, $10 per file.

9. For the retrieval from storage of a court file, $78.

10. For the taking of an affidavit or declaration by a commissioner for taking affidavits, $21.

11. For a copy on compact disc (CD) of a digital recording of a court hearing in respect of a case, if such a recording exists and a copy is available,

i. $22 for a single day’s recording, and

ii. $10.50 for each additional day’s recording, if the request is made at the same time as a request under subparagraph i. O. Reg. 42/19, s. 1.

Small Claims Court

1. On the filing of a claim by an infrequent claimant, $102.

2. On the filing of a claim by a frequent claimant, $215.

3. On the filing of a defendant’s claim, $102.

4. On the filing of a notice of motion served on another party, a notice of motion without notice or a notice of motion for a consent order (except a notice of motion under the Wages Act), $120.

5. On the filing of a defence, $73.

6. For the fixing of a date for a trial or an assessment hearing by an infrequent claimant, $290.

7. For the fixing of a date for a trial or an assessment hearing by a frequent claimant, $380.

8. For the filing of a request for default judgment by an infrequent claimant, $89.

9. For the filing of a request for default judgment by a frequent claimant, $121.

10. On the issue of a summons to a witness, $31.

11. On receipt for enforcement of a process from the Ontario Court of Justice or an order or judgment as provided by statute, $42.

12. On the issue of a certificate of judgment, $28.

13. On the issue of a writ of delivery, a writ of seizure and sale or a notice of examination, $64.

14. On the issue or renewal of a notice of garnishment, $136.

15. For preparing and filing a consolidation order, $120.

16. For forwarding a court file to Divisional Court for appeal, $99.

17. For making up and forwarding of papers, documents and exhibits, $99 and the transportation costs.

18. For transmitting a document other than by mail, the cost of transmission.

19. For making copies of documents,

i. not requiring certification, $1 per page,

ii. requiring certification, $3.50 per page.

Family Court

1. On the filing of an application, $202.

2. On the filing of an answer, other than an answer referred to in paragraph 3, $161.

3. On the filing of an answer that includes a request for a divorce by a respondent, $202.

4. On the placing of an application on the list for hearing, $420.

5. On the issue of a summons to a witness, $31.

6. On the issue of a certificate, $24.

7. For making copies of documents,

i. not requiring certification, $1 per page,

ii. requiring certification, $3.50 per page.

8. For making up and forwarding papers, documents and exhibits, $99 and the transportation costs.

9. For a copy on compact disc (CD) of a digital recording of a court hearing in respect of a case, if such a recording exists and a copy is available,

i. $22 for a single day’s recording, and

ii. $10.50 for each additional day’s recording, if the request is made at the same time as a request under subparagraph i. O. Reg. 43/19, s. 1.